So today I just had an amazing experience. I worked at the Leadership Center with a mens retreat group, and had a total blast. They had an amazing attitude and created a very wonderful working environment. But this wasn't what made it so much fun, when it came time to debrief the activities with them, I barely had to say a single thing. They went super deep into why we do the things that we do, how we can also apply that to life in a christian sense. One of the major things brought up in the morning was patience. How we had to learn to be patient in this life, that when we try to rush through things in a hurry we make mistakes, we stumble, we fall. But when we turn things over to God and wait on him, things work out in a way that we couldn't even imagine.
Just after this, we did a few activities; a group climbing wall and one called stump garden. I had the honor of climbing with one of the last groups due to them needing one more person. Through some struggle and assistance, I made it to within about five feet from the top of the wall, far higher than I have ever made it on any of our other climbing elements. And for the first time, I had no fear. No fear of falling, no fear of being pretty high up, no fear of failure. THIS was just an amazing thing, for years I have always been crazy scared of heights and this time I faced it and succeeded in something that just boggles my mind when I think about it. After thinking about it later on when I had some free time driving home, the entire time my rope was tight. The second I made it a little higher it was tight. If I fell a little to try and switch feet it was tight. When I was trying to come down, it was tight. And in relection I thought about how this is so true with God. He holds us tightly when we are out of our comfort zones, he protects us, and gives us strength when we need it most. We might not always feel that security right away, but its there. I know for the first half of the climb I never noticed how tight the rope was and how secure it was. It was only when I neared the top that I started to pay attention to it, and realized how in control everything was.
But this was not the end of the day. We ended our session with what we call the man hike trail. It's a pretty basic trail at camp that winds around the Ghost Creek Valley snaking its way down to the river. Once there, you hike along right next to the river for a little ways through mud, over streams that you have to jump across, past burrs and thorns, through tall grass, under fallen trees, until you reach the hill. The main hill, the great hill, the mountain. At the top of this steep hill that has ropes hanging between trees to help those who dare challenge it get up it, lies the mountaintop and the satisfaction of accomplishing a great feat. For this part of the journey that I've only been able to make two other times, I decided I would do something different for myself. This time I would challenge myself to make it up this great mountain, without using the ropes that makes this challenge much easier. And as I scurried, crawled, slipped, dug in, pulled on roots, jumped on trees, and clawing the ground. I made it to the top. This was the great satisfaction that I needed, I accomplished something Great! But what brought this all back to home for me was, in the group of men, we had a slightly older man joining us on the journey. And as he struggled his way up the hill, everyone was helping him cheering him on, and giving him what they could. A few times we became worried that he wasn't going to make it, that his health was becoming an issue, but all of these worries melted away as he got to the top and everyone cheered. In reflection on this afternoon, how true is this climb for us in life. We struggle, we dig in, dig deep, to try and reach the place that God wants us to be at. Even if we are weak, or strong, or big, or small, or young, or old, we can still make it. We just have to give it all to God, and he will give us the strength to make it just one more step, one more toil, one more mile, one more struggle, until we reach the top and are greeted by his Presence.
Today just was an amazing day so long, so fruitful, so draining, and so struggling, but ALL worth it. Again just to bring things into prespective, this was the verse of the day on my phone:
"But don't forget to help others and to share your possessions with them. This too is like offering a sacrifice that pleases God." Hebrews 13:16 (CEV)
Remember: Live the Adventure...Everyday.
One of my new favorite spots at camp:
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
The Book. The Door.
This is a continuation of the story, the next chapter if you will. It begins before the bell ringing.
The book. The door.
Then as if I were being pulled inward it was as if the door
was opening and I was drawn into it.
Blackness. Silence. Falling. Why always falling? As soon as
I realize I’m back in the dreamworld that has plagued me every night for the
past 9 years, everything changes. The voice echoes throughout the dark depths
of the place, at first I couldn’t understand the words, but I remember from my
dreams that it was always something like sleep, remember, dream. But this time
things changed. The words were different, and as if on cue music echoed
throughout the great void and the words flowed from around me engulfing me in
every stanza until I could barely keep myself from shaking.
Enter Through the Door
To find your truth
To be rather than
Find your heart and
Darkness before the
Over and over again the voice sings these words to me, and
as they do a light appears. The first light I have ever seen in my dreams. It’s
far off, but as soon as I see it I begin to move towards it, and then with ever
increasing speed until it feels like I’m in the jeep going 120mph I smash into
the light. With the final words echo.
I almost jump out of my seat. I’m back. I’ve never had that
happen before, it never happens anywhere except when I sleep at night, never
during the day. And that song, what were the words, why can’t I remember.
“Alright class see you tomorrow, and remember quiz on
Brushing this all off as if I must have dozed off or maybe
going crazy I begin to pack my things and prepare to leave.
“Desmond, can I speak with you for a second.”
Crap. Mr. Grayson must have seen me sleeping.
“Sure, what’s the
problem?” I replied sarcastically. Bad choice.
“Look, I understand you don’t enjoy my class, I know it isn’t
art, or video games, or television, But it is important.”
“I know sir but I just have a hard time believing that I’m
going to be counting valence electrons, when I’m working on my next painting.”
“That’s not what I’m talking about.” He replied, as his
demeanor changed. “I knew your parents well, we were friends a long time ago. I
know things about your life that you couldn’t possibly even remember.”
“Don’t, you’ve treated me like crap for the past two years,
I’ve failed your biology class, and you’ve sent me to the principles office
more times than I can count. Don’t try to pretend you know my parents and suck
“But that’s the thing, I did know your parents, and I’m not
sucking up. They gave me something that until today I didn’t think you would
ever be deserving of, but now things have changed.”
“Wait what?”
“The book. I saw you open it at the beginning of class. I
saw your eyes. I can’t tell you everything, but I can give you something.” As he
said this he opened the bottom door of his desk. After fumbling around for a
minute or two he finally found what he was searching for. A box.
“Your parents gave this to me a long time ago, before you
were even born I believe. I’ve never opened it and I don’t dare to. They told
me that one day a book would find its way into my presence. The reader of said
book would be the one to change the world.” Saying this he handed me the box. “You,
are that change Desmond. Why you I don’t know, but there is a very special destiny
for you.”
As I examined the box closer, I began to notice that on the
outside what I originally thought was the grain of the wood, were actually
small engravings creating spirals. And then I saw it. The spiral of three.
“Desmond, one last thing. I got a letter a few years back.
It was from your parents. How I don’t know but it was dated the day before
they, died. It only had one phrase on it.”
“And what was that?”
“Enter the door. Enter the door Desmond. You are the change,
why, how, I don’t know. But I see it in you already.”
“This is too much. I’m no superhero, I can’t change the
world, I’m only 17. I can barely change the laundry.”
I started fumbling with the box, but as soon as I began to
open it. Mr. Grayson quickly put his hand on top of mine shutting it.
“This isn’t the time or place to do that. Wait until the
right time. Now I think you need to go, my students are waiting in the hall. I
also think you have a class to get too.”
“Ok Mr. Grayson. And thanks.”
Leaving his room I didn’t realize a few things. One is that
Mr. Grayson was more than a teacher. The second was that I would never make it
to my next class.
As soon as I rounded the corner in the hall way, there it
was. The door. Majestic it stood alone in the hallway. My jaw almost fell off
of my face. I walked all the way around it and yet it just stood in the middle
of the hallway without support from behind or on the sides. The frame looked
even more majestic than it did in the book and the strange spiral looked as if
it was spinning on the door itself. As if it wasn’t just a door, but rather
something alive. Very much alive. I pulled out the book, It was amazingly
accurate how much the drawing looked just like the door. That’s when I saw the
words. They appeared on the top of the page, above the door.
“Those weren’t there before.”
They must have appeared there when I was in the dream. I
just didn’t notice them when I rushed to pack up my things.
Enter Through the Door
To find the truth of the
To be rather than
appear is the way to life
Find your heart and
remember yourself
Darkness breaks before
the Light
It was different. But as I re-read it again the words seem
to jump off the page and before I knew it my hand was turning the door knob.
With a deep breath I pushed it open. And so my Journey began, not with a bang, but a whisper.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
This is a rough draft of the first part of a story I'm writing. There are parts that need to be edited and revised but It's start to shape up into something. :) enjoy :)
Falling. Falling in this great void, this great blackness.
How did it all come to this? I was able to come so far and yet I still failed.
This place is the price of failure.
I guess it all started sometime ago. Was it really just only
a year, or has it only been a few days? Time seems to have no place on the
journey I underwent. I endured all of the travels, found all of the clues, let
my heart loose, and yet here I am alone, with the only one that I have ever
truly loved gone.
“Sleep my Child.
That voice, that familiar voice. Where is it coming from? I
feel weak.
And as the final thought ran through his head Desmond fell
asleep with the words, “Dream my darling,” floating eerily through the air.
And then I woke up. These dreams keep happening to me and I
can’t figure out what it is about them that scares me. The strangely familiar
voice, or the void. But either way I knew that today was Monday and that meant
one thing. School.
“Desmond, you best be getting your butt ready for school
before I have to grab the bucket,” Kami yelled up at me.
“I’m already up, you don’t need to resort to THAT.”
And for once I was truly awake, you see ever since the
accident I’ve been living with my Aunt Kami. Well when I was younger, I made
the mistake of sleeping in. The punishment? Getting a bucket of ice cold water
thrown on you to wake you up. Needless to say this has only happened a handful
of times over the years, and honestly I’d rather not have that experience again
I quickly got ready and headed downstairs to grab some quick
breakfast and within only a few minutes I was out the door, racing to the end
of the drive to wait for my ride.
“Now you be a good boy!”
“I will Kami, don’t you worry about that.”
Honk. Honk. HOOOONK.
“Dagnabbit I’m late again.” I muttered.
“Come on Dessyboy we gotta get goin,” yelled Dex the only
guy in town who when I first moved here,
treated me like I was normal. Something
hard when both your parents die, and you are only 8. But since my first day at
school we became instant friends and ever since then we act like brothers to
each other.
“I’m sorry man, had a rough night.” Sliding into the beat up
“It’s alright, too much Dew? Hehe, Now I gotta speed all of
the way, lets just hope that Conrad isn’t finished with his daily dozen yet.”
Conrad was what you would call the town cop. Granted he
could arrest anybody and do other police duties, but everybody knew that he
really didn’t do much of anything unless there was a true emergency, which hasn’t
happened in our small town of Jasper Indiana in a good long while.
With this we both laughed as the jeep hiccupped its way down
the road speeding towards school. Granted living in the country pretty much
meant that this trip would only take five minutes, we had ten. Really not too
much to worry about.
And so it began the day that would change the rest of my
life. Started out like anything normal, but that was about to change.
Walking down the halls of Jasper High was much different
when life throws you a curveball. Because of being raised by my Aunt and not
having my parents, I’d been prone to trouble and almost got expelled a few
times. This of course didn’t last long when I played the dead parents card,
everybody just then feels bad for you. Fortunately for me though, I found
something I was good at, Drawing. Anywhere else this would probably label me as
a weirdo or a crazy. But around here there isn’t much artwork, so when I
discovered I had an ability, let’s just say I put it to good use. I painted
murals around the school, drew landscapes that hung in the halls, painted the
school theater sets, most of which I designed. All in all, I was an art kid,
but people saw something beautiful in the work that I did, and because of this
I was able to quickly turn my bad boy rep around and become a normal kid with
just about everyone.
“Hey Desmond, you going to the party on Friday at Ashley’s?”
“Yeah man, there’s supposed to be like 50 people there!”
Turning, I was surrouned by the Holmes twins, Eric and
Bryant. Most people refer to them as Thing 1 and Thing 2, mainly because they
both dress similar, have the same personalities, and occasionally switch spots.
So nobody really knows which is which, and rumor has it that one time they switched
on their girlfriends. Needless to say they are both single now, and know not to
do THAT again.
“I’m not sure, I have to make sure I don’t work then.”
“Well, take it off, skip work, do whatever you can to be
there, it’s supposed to be the party of the Century!”
“Well at least since the last one.” Retorted Eric. At least I
think it was Eric. Seriously, I’ve known these guys since forever and yet can’t
tell them apart.
“Well, I have to book it, Chemistry. See you guys at lunch.”
Rushing down the hall and couldn’t help but over here them muttering if they
wanted to switch again. Those guys I’ll never understand.
Walking in to class, Mr. Grayson gave me the eye of, You
should have been here by now, and with that I avoided eye contact and made it
back to the back desk of the room.
“Well Class, as you all know we have a quiz on Thursday on
the elements. Now you all HAVE been memorizing the list of elements I gave you
right? You will need to know names, abbreviations, and how many electrons each
molecule has.” With that he turned his back and began to lecture about the
elements, chemical compounds and all of that jazz. I meanwhile started doodling
in my notebook.
Opening my backpack I looked to see if I brought my notes
about the quiz, might as well study for it since I really don’t pay attention
in class anyways. That’s when I noticed it. In my backpack was a leather bound
“what the…”I muttered a little too loudly.
“Desmond, would you like to teach the class about chemical
bonds, or would you rather me to. Because we all know how much you actually
studied last night.” It was true I didn’t really try in Mr. Grayson’s class. At
least I tried enough to have at least a C.
“No sir. Sorry sir.” I replied rather quickly, I knew better
than to show any disrespect, Mr. Grayson was one of the only teacher’s here at
school who didn’t like me, and for that I had a very short chain and with the
slightest tug, I would find myself in the office.
“Alright class, moving on Valence electrons….”
This book. How did it get in my bag? It had a leather strap
around the cover and from what I could tell it looked pretty old. Undoing the
knot I opened the book. Flipping through the pages, they were blank. Except for
one, it was the very first page of the book. Drawn in amazing detail was a
great door. It had carvings all around the frame, and strange shapes and words
surrounding it. But on the door was the strangest thing. It had symbol, three
shapes that came to a point and made a sort of spiral. I recognized that
symbol, but from where? Taking another look through the book, I could find
nothing more than this one image, a door.
“Alright class see you tomorrow, and remember quiz on
Grabbing all of my things, including the book, I put
everything in my backpack and head into the hallway.
Enter Through the Door
To find your truth
To be rather than
Find your heart and
Darkness before the
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
The REAL Story of Ghost Cabin
This is the "REAL" story of Ghost Cabin. Names may or may not have been changed to protect the identities of the parties involved in this horrific event. To aid in the telling of this story, a composition of assorted pictures will help visualize the story itself. Hope you enjoy, I know my campers did as I began to tell them the story of ghost cabin........

So this journey starts off like many others, my name is Bullseye. I am one of only a few who have had the priveledge of telling the great story of Ghost Cabin. This story goes way back to the roots of Camp T. Back before the camp was even built. Back when the west was not quite won and adventures were ripe for the picking. This is one adventure that Trader Jim, a camp legend, took up and lived. This is his story, his life, and his loss.
We travel this journey with a series of stops. At each stop an event occurred, something that must not be forgotten or the mistakes of the past will haunt the future. Our first stop begins with the covered bridge. There wasn't always a bridge nor a crossing here. But this marks the spot where it has been rumored that Trader Jim began his journey. He traveled by river and upon his landing on the Tecumseh bend, he traveled along new trails and became one of the first trailblazers. The current spot of this bridge marks the spot where he created the first trail on the lands of Tecumseh. This spot is a very treasured piece of the history of this camp. During summer months the screams and laughter of children echo from this spot. This is done to remember the joy that Trader Jim had when he began his great journey.
From this great spot we travel to the wood shed. It is important that you remember what it looks like. This shed was an exact replica, albeit smaller, of Ghost Cabin. Before the tragedy. We must again remember the past so that we do not forsake the present. (The man in the photo has no significance to this story) The cabin was built with the wood found in the great timbers of Tecumseh. The great oaks building the foundation on which it was built. Much how Camp was built upon the foundations of Christ. Again remember here what Ghost Cabin was, so as to not underestimate what it was.
This journey along the trails of Tecumseh holds many secrets as to the story of Ghost cabin but none are quite as mysterious as the cemetery found in the oak forest. Here lie the companions of Trader Jim, for he knew all there was to know about nature, how to live, how to survive, and how to befriend those around him. These graves are not simple creatures, no, they were the saviors of Trader Jim. This spot is a place of great reverence. This is not a place to show disrespect. We must respect the memory of these great creatures. Many travel this place, unknowing of the secret to these graves. Sadly many show no respect, but if you do show respect, you will learn much from this journey. These creatures perished in the tragedy of Ghost Cabin. Bernice. Wendy. Boris. Bubba. These are true heroes. Trader Jim built this cemetery in remembrance of these creatures, his friends.

As we continue along the trail we find ourselves at the pinnacle of one of the greatest hidden treasures of the oak forest. The Wolves Den. Now many say that there are no wolves at camp. And they are correct, in the physical sense of the word. The spirits of these beasts still linger in this place. The wolves den was the place where they once lived. They were great friends of Trader Jim. After the Tragedy, many of the wolves journeyed away from the woods, their losses were too great for them to bear the burden of staying in a place of such strong emotion. This is another place that we must show great Respect towards. This Place is where Trader Jim became friends with the wolves, learning their habits, and their secrets. He made sure that he took care of them when they were sick, or when they needed help. Back then the howls of the wolves filled the woods and echoed all throughout Ghost Creek Valley. Trader Jim knew and understand each of the howls and knew where and what each wolf was doing.
From this spot in our journey we find ourselves next to the river. This Place is teacherous at times due to the mud, and the risk of fallen trees and braches. But as we walk along these trails it is important to keep an eye out for the signs of life all around us. During the summer months, the mysterious U shaped tracks appear in the mud. The ones that resemble the prints of a Horse. Yet this is quite mysterious since there are no horses in the middle of the woods. Or are there. This is again another mystery of Trader Jim's Journey. He once had a white horse named Galerie. He was swift in the woods and along the trails. But mysteriously after the tragedy he disappeared. Legend has it that if you find yourself out here in the woods at night, you can find Galerie running the trails still looking for Trader Jim, the only evidence that He was there are the prints left in the mud. You must protect yourself and prepare for the mysterious unknown if you dare to hike these trails by yourself.

We continue on our journey to Ghost Cabin, we are now at Ghost Creek. Now it doesn't get this name for no reason. Legend has it that before the Richard G. Marsh Lake was built that Ghost Creek would mysteriously dry up overnight without warning. No one knows why it did this and it has since never repeated itself since the great dam was built. This is important to remember, for it is a vital part of the story of what happened to Ghost Cabin.
And now this Journey to Ghost Cabin comes to a close. Find a seat on what is left of the foundations. For I will tell the rest of the story. All of the events and places and things we have seen, all lead up to this. This is the greatest tale of Trader Jim's Life.
Trader Jim came to these lands long ago and he built this cabin here. Overlooking all of Ghost Creek Valley. He was friends with all of the creatures that dwelt within these woods. Unfortunately even though he was a great friend, he was not welcome. Not by the spirit of the woods.
The day of the Tragedy was not much unlike today, calm, peaceful, joyous. Yet as night quickly fell, Trader Jim knew something was wrong. For all of the sounds of the woods, the birds, the wolves, the squirrels, fell silent. The moon quickly became blotted out by dark clouds. The sound of the wind died down until there wasn't even the slightest rustle of a branch nor leaf. It was as if all of the woods understood what was about to happen and took in a deep breath. Waiting in anticipation for what was about to happen. The great tragedy was about to unfold.
Trader Jim sensing something was off grabbed his coat and satchel, and headed out into the woods to investigate what was going on. Once he was outside the cabin he journeyed the short distance to the wolves den only to find it empty, he called to his friend the bear, called to the deer, and yet no one answered. It was about this time that Trader Jim noticed the orange glow. The smoke. The embers in the air. THE CABIN IT WAS BURNING!!! He quickly made his way back to his home, and the whole place was going up in smoke, he knew that he only had moments before it was too late, he rushed in to grab a pail to try and get some water to try and quench the flames. But when he got down to the creek, with a swift motion to gather water, all he received was sand. The Creek had dried up!!! But when did that happen he told himself, it was then that he realized that with the silence of all the other sounds he too could not hear the soft rushing of the water. He made his way back up to the Cabin realizing that there was no way to save his home. Rushing in he started to grabbing the last of his belongings that he could save.
Unfortunately when he was about to leave, his leg broke through the floor and he fell and was unable to get himself unstuck. He looked around him frantically realizing that everything that he had built and created was burning down around him, about to fall on top of him. In a cry of desperation he again yelled out to his friends the animals for help. And as he started to succumb to the inhalation of smoke, about to slip into the blackness of uncontiousness, something dark moved outside his doorway. His teary eyes couldn't make it out at first, but then he realized the shape was his friend the bear, and then quickly one by one his friends the animals appeared, the wolves, the birds, the snake, the raccoon. They quickly rushed in and tried to help Trader Jim out of his burning home. And as they tugged at his leg, Trader Jim slipped into darkness.
When He awoke, the morning light blinded his eyes. And as he gathered in his surroundings he quickly realized his situation and his Tragedy. Around him were the remains of many of his animal friends, he called to the others but did not receive a reply. He was broken-hearted for the sacrifice that these animals endured to protect him and get him out of his burning home. He gathered their remains and buried them on a hill overlooking the river. This is the cemetery that we passed on our journey here. Once he was finished he gathered up what was left of his belongings, and with one last look over his shoulder, he left the lands of Tecumseh. Now Trader Jim recovered from his loss, and had many other adventures, some which might find their way here. From this story we must remember what has happened as to not repeat the past and have an impact upon the future.
Now many still have questions about what happened, what happened to Galerie, what caused the fire, where did Trader Jim go next, why is it that the only thing left is a chimney? These and many other questions are not easily answered. What we know is that the fire mysteriously started under conditions thought to be improbable. We could try to answer all of the questions but the thing about it is that this is a Legend. There are many tales out there mysterious and intriguing but the thing about Legends are that they are stories. Stories meant to be told, to be improved, to be enjoyed. That is why we must remember and appreciate the true Legend of Ghost Cabin. To share it with those around us, to spark in the minds of those listening the creativity of Stories. That is what I hope you receive from this story that I shared with my campers on two occasions this past summer. Inspiring those who listened to become wrapped up in a story that was made up as it was told, living in a world that is utterly impossible, believing something that captures the imagination. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoy telling it. Remember always share the Legend of your Life to those who are willing to listen.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Thoughts while in a Starbucks

So I've been here for a while due to my stupid Physics test which is at 8pm and really don't want to take, but sometimes you just have to deal with the hand you are dealt, even if it is all tens and queens. But then again nothing makes you feel a little better than drinking a vanilla latte, listening to Falling Up "Your Sparkling Death Cometh", and drawing. Seriously nothing really can make me smile than this. I love drawing to this CD. Everything on it is just so amazing and simple in its lyrics but it builds such a rich and vivid world and picture to draw and imagine. Case in point:
"They looked back to see if I was following them, but i Never really left at all, they turned back to scream that I'm the terrible one, I just finally found my heart."
I can honestly say that this CD is inspiring me to work on my book that I've been writing off and on again. I might post some of it on here and see what happens. I'm no English major but I love to look at the creative things in Life and this would be one of them. Who knows it may even be something I could get published :) But that is a long shot at best. That's the great thing about my major, It just lets me do amazing things and call it homework or school. Creativity is part of my class and just doing things that inspire me and others makes me so happy about what I do and who I have a chance to Impact. All of this is again pushing and driving me forward into the spiraling beauty of God's Purpose for my life. Until Next time, Live the Adventure!!! Time to go study/skype friends :)
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Door Project

Recent Happenings
So Life has been pretty crazy lately. I've had many school projects come up and many side projects as well, but I can honestly say that I am excited that I had an interview for multimedia assistant for summer 2012 :) I feel like a lot of things have been happening recently that have begun to set in motion a series of events that are constantly driving me forward. Whether its homework to make me work harder than before, learning something new, new projects creating new opportunities to showcase my web and design skills and proficient, or physics making me realize so much more that animation is probably not for me. All of this leading back to my continual love of Camp, the Outdoors, and above all else God. Just realizing that everything in my life is happening for a reason, the people I meet, and all of the random little run-ins with old friends how it is all spiraling toward a greater purpose and understanding for my personal growth but also where it is and what it is that God is wanting me to do with my life. Day 152 of Living the Adventure.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Some cool things i have found
So this is a stab at a reboot for my site. This one is temporary. But enough of that for now...
So while surfing the net I came across this incredible site:
It is about cineamatography which in short terms is video that is made into a photo like object. Only parts of the photo move. This gives a living feel to the photo and is quite impressive when executed well. And I forgot to mention, they are quite simple to make. GIFs GIFs GIFs. That's all they are. Animated Gifs remember those, those things that should have been killed and buried. Well this is quite an amazing reworking with an old system and now I think I can stand gifs a bit better....Not completely though...........Until later: LIVE THE ADVENTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My stab:
So while surfing the net I came across this incredible site:
It is about cineamatography which in short terms is video that is made into a photo like object. Only parts of the photo move. This gives a living feel to the photo and is quite impressive when executed well. And I forgot to mention, they are quite simple to make. GIFs GIFs GIFs. That's all they are. Animated Gifs remember those, those things that should have been killed and buried. Well this is quite an amazing reworking with an old system and now I think I can stand gifs a bit better....Not completely though...........Until later: LIVE THE ADVENTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My stab:

Sunday, May 29, 2011
Camp T Summer Camp 2011 POST 1
Things I have Done at Camp So Far:
1. Gone on a Wild Goose Chase for 3 hours
2. Swam in the lake while it's been freezing cold
3. Gone on the ball buster i mean River Village Zip-line
4. Gone on Lake village zip-line
5. Blown Silt in the lake with a pump
6. Raked for the new seed in the Oregon territory
7. Sideswiped a golf cart while driving the tractor
8. Avoided Sideswiping Idiot Teenagers that were running alongside the tractor coming down lake hill.
9. Met tons of cool people
10. Been a victim for Lifeguard Training
11. Roped off the area around the new cabins
All of this in the span of a week. Will post more on a few of these stories!!!!
1. Gone on a Wild Goose Chase for 3 hours
2. Swam in the lake while it's been freezing cold
3. Gone on the ball buster i mean River Village Zip-line
4. Gone on Lake village zip-line
5. Blown Silt in the lake with a pump
6. Raked for the new seed in the Oregon territory
7. Sideswiped a golf cart while driving the tractor
8. Avoided Sideswiping Idiot Teenagers that were running alongside the tractor coming down lake hill.
9. Met tons of cool people
10. Been a victim for Lifeguard Training
11. Roped off the area around the new cabins
All of this in the span of a week. Will post more on a few of these stories!!!!
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