Saturday, November 19, 2011

Adventure Will Always Find You

So today I just had an amazing experience. I worked at the Leadership Center with a mens retreat group, and had a total blast. They had an amazing attitude and created a very wonderful working environment. But this wasn't what made it so much fun, when it came time to debrief the activities with them, I barely had to say a single thing. They went super deep into why we do the things that we do, how we can also apply that to life in a christian sense. One of the major things brought up in the morning was patience. How we had to learn to be patient in this life, that when we try to rush through things in a hurry we make mistakes, we stumble, we fall. But when we turn things over to God and wait on him, things work out in a way that we couldn't even imagine.

Just after this, we did a few activities; a group climbing wall and one called stump garden. I had the honor of climbing with one of the last groups due to them needing one more person. Through some struggle and assistance, I made it to within about five feet from the top of the wall, far higher than I have ever made it on any of our other climbing elements. And for the first time, I had no fear. No fear of falling, no fear of being pretty high up, no fear of failure. THIS was just an amazing thing, for years I have always been crazy scared of heights and this time I faced it and succeeded in something that just boggles my mind when I think about it. After thinking about it later on when I had some free time driving home, the entire time my rope was tight. The second I made it a little higher it was tight. If I fell a little to try and switch feet it was tight. When I was trying to come down, it was tight. And in relection I thought about how this is so true with God. He holds us tightly when we are out of our comfort zones, he protects us, and gives us strength when we need it most. We might not always feel that security right away, but its there. I know for the first half of the climb I never noticed how tight the rope was and how secure it was. It was only when I neared the top that I started to pay attention to it, and realized how in control everything was.

But this was not the end of the day. We ended our session with what we call the man hike trail. It's a pretty basic trail at camp that winds around the Ghost Creek Valley snaking its way down to the river. Once there, you hike along right next to the river for a little ways through mud, over streams that you have to jump across, past burrs and thorns, through tall grass, under fallen trees, until you reach the hill. The main hill, the great hill, the mountain. At the top of this steep hill that has ropes hanging between trees to help those who dare challenge it get up it, lies the mountaintop and the satisfaction of accomplishing a great feat. For this part of the journey that I've only been able to make two other times, I decided I would do something different for myself. This time I would challenge myself to make it up this great mountain, without using the ropes that makes this challenge much easier. And as I scurried, crawled, slipped, dug in, pulled on roots, jumped on trees, and clawing the ground. I made it to the top. This was the great satisfaction that I needed, I accomplished something Great! But what brought this all back to home for me was, in the group of men, we had a slightly older man joining us on the journey. And as he struggled his way up the hill, everyone was helping him cheering him on, and giving him what they could. A few times we became worried that he wasn't going to make it, that his health was becoming an issue, but all of these worries melted away as he got to the top and everyone cheered. In reflection on this afternoon, how true is this climb for us in life. We struggle, we dig in, dig deep, to try and reach the place that God wants us to be at. Even if we are weak, or strong, or big, or small, or young, or old, we can still make it. We just have to give it all to God, and he will give us the strength to make it just one more step, one more toil, one more mile, one more struggle, until we reach the top and are greeted by his Presence.

Today just was an amazing day so long, so fruitful, so draining, and so struggling, but ALL worth it. Again just to bring things into prespective, this was the verse of the day on my phone:

"But don't forget to help others and to share your possessions with them. This too is like offering a sacrifice that pleases God." Hebrews 13:16 (CEV)

Remember: Live the Adventure...Everyday.

One of my new favorite spots at camp:

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