Tuesday, November 8, 2011


This is a rough draft of the first part of a story I'm writing. There are parts that need to be edited and revised but It's start to shape up into something. :) enjoy :)

Falling. Falling in this great void, this great blackness. How did it all come to this? I was able to come so far and yet I still failed. This place is the price of failure.
I guess it all started sometime ago. Was it really just only a year, or has it only been a few days? Time seems to have no place on the journey I underwent. I endured all of the travels, found all of the clues, let my heart loose, and yet here I am alone, with the only one that I have ever truly loved gone. 

“Sleep my Child. Remember.”

That voice, that familiar voice. Where is it coming from? I feel weak.
And as the final thought ran through his head Desmond fell asleep with the words, “Dream my darling,” floating eerily through the air.

And then I woke up. These dreams keep happening to me and I can’t figure out what it is about them that scares me. The strangely familiar voice, or the void. But either way I knew that today was Monday and that meant one thing. School.

“Desmond, you best be getting your butt ready for school before I have to grab the bucket,” Kami yelled up at me.

“I’m already up, you don’t need to resort to THAT.”

And for once I was truly awake, you see ever since the accident I’ve been living with my Aunt Kami. Well when I was younger, I made the mistake of sleeping in. The punishment? Getting a bucket of ice cold water thrown on you to wake you up. Needless to say this has only happened a handful of times over the years, and honestly I’d rather not have that experience again today.

I quickly got ready and headed downstairs to grab some quick breakfast and within only a few minutes I was out the door, racing to the end of the drive to wait for my ride.

“Now you be a good boy!”

“I will Kami, don’t you worry about that.”

Honk. Honk. HOOOONK.

“Dagnabbit I’m late again.” I muttered.

“Come on Dessyboy we gotta get goin,” yelled Dex the only guy in town who when I first moved here, 
treated me like I was normal. Something hard when both your parents die, and you are only 8. But since my first day at school we became instant friends and ever since then we act like brothers to each other.

“I’m sorry man, had a rough night.” Sliding into the beat up jeep.

“It’s alright, too much Dew? Hehe, Now I gotta speed all of the way, lets just hope that Conrad isn’t finished with his daily dozen yet.”

Conrad was what you would call the town cop. Granted he could arrest anybody and do other police duties, but everybody knew that he really didn’t do much of anything unless there was a true emergency, which hasn’t happened in our small town of Jasper Indiana in a good long while.

With this we both laughed as the jeep hiccupped its way down the road speeding towards school. Granted living in the country pretty much meant that this trip would only take five minutes, we had ten. Really not too much to worry about.

And so it began the day that would change the rest of my life. Started out like anything normal, but that was about to change.

Walking down the halls of Jasper High was much different when life throws you a curveball. Because of being raised by my Aunt and not having my parents, I’d been prone to trouble and almost got expelled a few times. This of course didn’t last long when I played the dead parents card, everybody just then feels bad for you. Fortunately for me though, I found something I was good at, Drawing. Anywhere else this would probably label me as a weirdo or a crazy. But around here there isn’t much artwork, so when I discovered I had an ability, let’s just say I put it to good use. I painted murals around the school, drew landscapes that hung in the halls, painted the school theater sets, most of which I designed. All in all, I was an art kid, but people saw something beautiful in the work that I did, and because of this I was able to quickly turn my bad boy rep around and become a normal kid with just about everyone.

“Hey Desmond, you going to the party on Friday at Ashley’s?”

“Yeah man, there’s supposed to be like 50 people there!”

Turning, I was surrouned by the Holmes twins, Eric and Bryant. Most people refer to them as Thing 1 and Thing 2, mainly because they both dress similar, have the same personalities, and occasionally switch spots. So nobody really knows which is which, and rumor has it that one time they switched on their girlfriends. Needless to say they are both single now, and know not to do THAT again.

“I’m not sure, I have to make sure I don’t work then.”

“Well, take it off, skip work, do whatever you can to be there, it’s supposed to be the party of the Century!”

“Well at least since the last one.” Retorted Eric. At least I think it was Eric. Seriously, I’ve known these guys since forever and yet can’t tell them apart.


“Well, I have to book it, Chemistry. See you guys at lunch.” Rushing down the hall and couldn’t help but over here them muttering if they wanted to switch again. Those guys I’ll never understand.

Walking in to class, Mr. Grayson gave me the eye of, You should have been here by now, and with that I avoided eye contact and made it back to the back desk of the room.

“Well Class, as you all know we have a quiz on Thursday on the elements. Now you all HAVE been memorizing the list of elements I gave you right? You will need to know names, abbreviations, and how many electrons each molecule has.” With that he turned his back and began to lecture about the elements, chemical compounds and all of that jazz. I meanwhile started doodling in my notebook.

Opening my backpack I looked to see if I brought my notes about the quiz, might as well study for it since I really don’t pay attention in class anyways. That’s when I noticed it. In my backpack was a leather bound book.

“what the…”I muttered a little too loudly.

“Desmond, would you like to teach the class about chemical bonds, or would you rather me to. Because we all know how much you actually studied last night.” It was true I didn’t really try in Mr. Grayson’s class. At least I tried enough to have at least a C.

“No sir. Sorry sir.” I replied rather quickly, I knew better than to show any disrespect, Mr. Grayson was one of the only teacher’s here at school who didn’t like me, and for that I had a very short chain and with the slightest tug, I would find myself in the office.

“Alright class, moving on Valence electrons….”

This book. How did it get in my bag? It had a leather strap around the cover and from what I could tell it looked pretty old. Undoing the knot I opened the book. Flipping through the pages, they were blank. Except for one, it was the very first page of the book. Drawn in amazing detail was a great door. It had carvings all around the frame, and strange shapes and words surrounding it. But on the door was the strangest thing. It had symbol, three shapes that came to a point and made a sort of spiral. I recognized that symbol, but from where? Taking another look through the book, I could find nothing more than this one image, a door.

“Alright class see you tomorrow, and remember quiz on Thursday.”

Grabbing all of my things, including the book, I put everything in my backpack and head into the hallway.

Enter Through the Door
To find your truth
To be rather than appear
Find your heart and remember
Darkness before the Light

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