Monday, February 13, 2012

New Year, New Me, Craziness!!!

The title of this post sounds like it should have been posted last month, but you know better late then never. Currently life has been absolutely crazy, I've pulled 17-20 hour days at least once a week or so to finish projects. Started working weekends at camp again. I've started an internship at camp, working with the digital side of things, so mostly web stuff, which is always fun, and lots of things like that. What this all boils down to is: I HAVE NO FREE TIME OR SOCIAL LIFE!!! Oh wait that's really not that new haha.

All in all I couldn't be happier with how some things are going, while at times other things keep popping up and creating some stress and confusion as to where I am at in life, but I am always moving forward trying not to look back.

10 Things I have Learned over the past few weeks:

1. Learning multiple programming languages at the same time is not a great idea.
2. The past is the past and you have to set your gaze on the future and start walking there.
3. There's always a reason for things, small things are connected to bigger things.
4. Taking a first step into something new, seems scary to the mind, but easier in practice when you just go do it.
5. Enjoy every moment that you are given with someone.
6. Realize true friendships are ones that grow and build you up, not ones that try to choke you and hold you back.
7. Moving on is hard, but worth it in the end.
8. Build on relationships you have now; it's like a tree, build up the roots and the rest of the plant will grow and bud into something amazing.
9. You learn by doing.
10. The road may be long and narrow and confusing, but along the way adventures will find you, friends will aid you, and battles will be fought, won, and lost but the memories and experiences make you strong and form you into the person that God created you to be.

Well this is pretty much all I have for now, well that I can write about right now anyways ;) but I hope to e able to update this blog more often and get into the habit of writing more. Until next time, find your adventure and live it!!!

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