Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Thoughts while in a Starbucks

So I've been in Starbucks today for about 3 hours now and it cracks me up how many people come through here from all sorts of backgrounds. We have the old ladies, the hip cool young couple, the middle-aged moms, the students, the creepy old man that sits by himself in the comfy chairs that you really wish you were sitting in but if you were then it would be awkward. But it is crazy how even though it is cold and dreary outside, inside it is nice and somewhat warm (if you aren't by a window). This reminds me a bit of just how people are how we have so many crazy things on the inside of us (hypothetical not literal :) )

So I've been here for a while due to my stupid Physics test which is at 8pm and really don't want to take, but sometimes you just have to deal with the hand you are dealt, even if it is all tens and queens. But then again nothing makes you feel a little better than drinking a vanilla latte, listening to Falling Up "Your Sparkling Death Cometh", and drawing. Seriously nothing really can make me smile than this. I love drawing to this CD. Everything on it is just so amazing and simple in its lyrics but it builds such a rich and vivid world and picture to draw and imagine. Case in point:

"They looked back to see if I was following them, but i Never really left at all, they turned back to scream that I'm the terrible one, I just finally found my heart."

I can honestly say that this CD is inspiring me to work on my book that I've been writing off and on again. I might post some of it on here and see what happens. I'm no English major but I love to look at the creative things in Life and this would be one of them. Who knows it may even be something I could get published :) But that is a long shot at best. That's the great thing about my major, It just lets me do amazing things and call it homework or school. Creativity is part of my class and just doing things that inspire me and others makes me so happy about what I do and who I have a chance to Impact. All of this is again pushing and driving me forward into the spiraling beauty of God's Purpose for my life. Until Next time, Live the Adventure!!! Time to go study/skype friends :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Door Project

So on my closet doors I have taped up with duct tape is a small project that I started a few months back. I've been posting pictures, note cards, posters, and other random things all over it. It has many different pictures from Camp T. A lot of them are of friends that unfortunately I don't get a chance to see due to them being from Brazil or from a far away college. But all of the pictures bring back the memories and experience that have shaped my life in an incredible way. But I think my favorite part of the project, it's still growing :), are the note cards that are scattered all over in their greens, blues, yellows, purples, and pinks. On each of them are written different things that I want to do or accomplish at some point in time. Traveling to other far away countries, goals to Live By such as always Inspiring others, and even the random ones like learning how to handle a snake, which I can check off after this summer :) I Love how it is turning out and changing, I feel like it is starting to tell the story of my life. Where I have been and where I am going and all those who have impacted me along the way.

Recent Happenings

So Life has been pretty crazy lately. I've had many school projects come up and many side projects as well, but I can honestly say that I am excited that I had an interview for multimedia assistant for summer 2012 :) I feel like a lot of things have been happening recently that have begun to set in motion a series of events that are constantly driving me forward. Whether its homework to make me work harder than before, learning something new, new projects creating new opportunities to showcase my web and design skills and proficient, or physics making me realize so much more that animation is probably not for me. All of this leading back to my continual love of Camp, the Outdoors, and above all else God. Just realizing that everything in my life is happening for a reason, the people I meet, and all of the random little run-ins with old friends how it is all spiraling toward a greater purpose and understanding for my personal growth but also where it is and what it is that God is wanting me to do with my life. Day 152 of Living the Adventure.