Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Book. The Door.

This is a continuation of the story, the next chapter if you will. It begins before the bell ringing.

The book. The door.

Then as if I were being pulled inward it was as if the door was opening and I was drawn into it.

Blackness. Silence. Falling. Why always falling? As soon as I realize I’m back in the dreamworld that has plagued me every night for the past 9 years, everything changes. The voice echoes throughout the dark depths of the place, at first I couldn’t understand the words, but I remember from my dreams that it was always something like sleep, remember, dream. But this time things changed. The words were different, and as if on cue music echoed throughout the great void and the words flowed from around me engulfing me in every stanza until I could barely keep myself from shaking.

Enter Through the Door
To find your truth
To be rather than appear
Find your heart and remember
Darkness before the Light

Over and over again the voice sings these words to me, and as they do a light appears. The first light I have ever seen in my dreams. It’s far off, but as soon as I see it I begin to move towards it, and then with ever increasing speed until it feels like I’m in the jeep going 120mph I smash into the light. With the final words echo.



I almost jump out of my seat. I’m back. I’ve never had that happen before, it never happens anywhere except when I sleep at night, never during the day. And that song, what were the words, why can’t I remember.

“Alright class see you tomorrow, and remember quiz on Thursday.”

Brushing this all off as if I must have dozed off or maybe going crazy I begin to pack my things and prepare to leave.

“Desmond, can I speak with you for a second.”

Crap. Mr. Grayson must have seen me sleeping.

 “Sure, what’s the problem?” I replied sarcastically. Bad choice.

“Look, I understand you don’t enjoy my class, I know it isn’t art, or video games, or television, But it is important.”

“I know sir but I just have a hard time believing that I’m going to be counting valence electrons, when I’m working on my next painting.”

“That’s not what I’m talking about.” He replied, as his demeanor changed. “I knew your parents well, we were friends a long time ago. I know things about your life that you couldn’t possibly even remember.”

“Don’t, you’ve treated me like crap for the past two years, I’ve failed your biology class, and you’ve sent me to the principles office more times than I can count. Don’t try to pretend you know my parents and suck up.”

“But that’s the thing, I did know your parents, and I’m not sucking up. They gave me something that until today I didn’t think you would ever be deserving of, but now things have changed.”

“Wait what?”

“The book. I saw you open it at the beginning of class. I saw your eyes. I can’t tell you everything, but I can give you something.” As he said this he opened the bottom door of his desk. After fumbling around for a minute or two he finally found what he was searching for. A box.

“Your parents gave this to me a long time ago, before you were even born I believe. I’ve never opened it and I don’t dare to. They told me that one day a book would find its way into my presence. The reader of said book would be the one to change the world.” Saying this he handed me the box. “You, are that change Desmond. Why you I don’t know, but there is a very special destiny for you.”

As I examined the box closer, I began to notice that on the outside what I originally thought was the grain of the wood, were actually small engravings creating spirals. And then I saw it. The spiral of three.

“Desmond, one last thing. I got a letter a few years back. It was from your parents. How I don’t know but it was dated the day before they, died. It only had one phrase on it.”

“And what was that?”

“Enter the door. Enter the door Desmond. You are the change, why, how, I don’t know. But I see it in you already.”

“This is too much. I’m no superhero, I can’t change the world, I’m only 17. I can barely change the laundry.”

I started fumbling with the box, but as soon as I began to open it. Mr. Grayson quickly put his hand on top of mine shutting it.

“This isn’t the time or place to do that. Wait until the right time. Now I think you need to go, my students are waiting in the hall. I also think you have a class to get too.”

“Ok Mr. Grayson. And thanks.”

Leaving his room I didn’t realize a few things. One is that Mr. Grayson was more than a teacher. The second was that I would never make it to my next class.

As soon as I rounded the corner in the hall way, there it was. The door. Majestic it stood alone in the hallway. My jaw almost fell off of my face. I walked all the way around it and yet it just stood in the middle of the hallway without support from behind or on the sides. The frame looked even more majestic than it did in the book and the strange spiral looked as if it was spinning on the door itself. As if it wasn’t just a door, but rather something alive. Very much alive. I pulled out the book, It was amazingly accurate how much the drawing looked just like the door. That’s when I saw the words. They appeared on the top of the page, above the door.

“Those weren’t there before.”

They must have appeared there when I was in the dream. I just didn’t notice them when I rushed to pack up my things.

Enter Through the Door
To find the truth of the maze
To be rather than appear is the way to life
Find your heart and remember yourself
Darkness breaks before the Light

It was different. But as I re-read it again the words seem to jump off the page and before I knew it my hand was turning the door knob. With a deep breath I pushed it open. And so my Journey began, not with a bang, but a whisper.

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