Sunday, May 29, 2011

Camp T Summer Camp 2011 POST 1

Things I have Done at Camp So Far:

1. Gone on a Wild Goose Chase for 3 hours
2. Swam in the lake while it's been freezing cold
3. Gone on the ball buster i mean River Village Zip-line
4. Gone on Lake village zip-line
5. Blown Silt in the lake with a pump
6. Raked for the new seed in the Oregon territory
7. Sideswiped a golf cart while driving the tractor
8. Avoided Sideswiping Idiot Teenagers that were running alongside the tractor coming down lake hill.
9. Met tons of cool people
10. Been a victim for Lifeguard Training
11. Roped off the area around the new cabins

All of this in the span of a week. Will post more on a few of these stories!!!!